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Clansman Brennen

Brennen Darrell Hope

Lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ·
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Wall Comment: #721

Angela McKay
Happy New Year, Brennen and Bentley and Queen Mum! We'll be having pork and sauerkraut here in the Ozarks to clean out the old and make way for the new... All the Best today and the whole of 2016!
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Deb Logan Nixon
Happy 2016!!! Black eyed peas and ham here.
Angela McKay
Deb, I learned the history behind black-eyed peas on New Years. It comes from Civil War days, when Sherman scorched the South and left only the primitive black-eyed peas standing... (he thought it was only fit fodder for the stock). The resourceful Confederates of course used the peas as a staple ...
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