she even sae me queen Mum nae mutt in ye yer me son proud yer pure & true Scottish wear a kilt, huv a westie, wat mare then ye want !!fae hur Hosptal bed!! hee hee
Brennen Darrell Hope posted a comment on his photo
thanx soo much me lassies .. me queen Mum dress me well indeed wi me kilt full tilt she di .. look soo handsum aye me doo fur ye! hee hee

Me queen is in thee general Hospital .. Emergency dept then transfer tae Intensive care unit, has privy room wi Dox & nurse byr hur side! Soo me hope she will be ok butt dunno fur sure as tis was 2 he...

Marilyn Sloper
Brennen, I am so sorry to hear this. Am praying all turns out well for all of you. Glad she is in stable condition. That's a plus.
- November 12, 2015
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as thee 11th Novem Remembrance Day comes about paye tribute tae me clan & those who stand up fur thee British Commonwealth! Ret'd fae thee Royal Canadian Navy .. clansman Big Bren
Angela McKay
Our school has an assembly to honor our local vets... 3 years ago I organized it for our school.... and chose the theme "Flanders Field." The man who wrote the music was from Canada... The link below is the production and music. It is not our school performance, however... enjoy, Brennen..
- November 10, 2015
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