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Iain Sanders

Lives in Edinburgh, Scotland ·
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Status Update: #1018

Iain Sanders
After a long hard week, nothing better than chilling oot wi a couple of beers. And, listening tae some good music.
Cheers all.
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Elizabeth Flintoff
enjoy your well deserved beers Slainte Iain
Iain Sanders
I may have tae force them down Liz.
Elizabeth Flintoff
think they will go down quite easy, you wont have to force them Im sure haa
Iain Sanders
They are Liz. lol
Deb Logan Nixon
I raise my glass to you Iain! Slainte'!!
Brennen Darrell Hope
Me tae gless of beer! Cheers .. lol
Deb Logan Nixon
Heyyyy Cuz!!!
Brennen Darrell Hope
Aye Debbie, yer me priddy red heid! Tae bad we related! hee hee
Brennen Darrell Hope
Howe true indeed Iain, same fur me mate! Cheers, Bren .. hee hee
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