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G'Morning, Iain. It's a cool morning here in Massachusetts. Had to get a blanket to wrap around me while on the computer. Sun's up and the day is suppose to be another hot one.
Gardening is on my list today as well. Well, at least the "watering" part is. It's been so dry for a few weeks now.
G'Morning, Iain. It's a cool morning here in Massachusetts. Had to get a blanket to wrap around me while on the computer. Sun's up and the day is suppose to be another hot one.
Gardening is on my list today as well. Well, at least the "watering" part is. It's been so dry for a few weeks now.
I read on some gardening website earlier this week that if one puts out dishes/plates of rocks/water, the dragonflies, bees, little toads, lizards will come to stand on the rocks/pebbles to drink and then will hang around to eat up all of the harmful bugs.
Birdbath tops work great too, when removed from their pedestal and placed directly upon the ground so the tiny creatures can hop into them.
I don't know why I never thought to do this before. They could have been of great help when the squash bugs invaded back in June.
A few days ago I put out a shallow baking dish with large pebbles/small rocks in it and filled it with water. Yesterday I put another one in one of my raised beds. You should see all of the dragonflies and little toads which are now hanging around in those areas!
Still watering, Iain. This heat is suppose to leave this coming Thursday and hopefully won't be returning until next summer .... when I am sure to welcome it with open arms after a loooong cold winter!
A few trees on this mountain where I live began to turn color 2 weeks ago. One tree is entirely red/gold now. It's happening earlier this year. Autumn is a favorite time of year for me. I love the pumpkins, the smell of the nuts/leaves combined with wood smoke and crisp, clean autumn air, the sw...
A few trees on this mountain where I live began to turn color 2 weeks ago. One tree is entirely red/gold now. It's happening earlier this year. Autumn is a favorite time of year for me. I love the pumpkins, the smell of the nuts/leaves combined with wood smoke and crisp, clean autumn air, the sweet, crisp apples and Concord grapes fresh off of the vines. Soon it will be time for apple cider again.
Marilyn you must be in the Berkshires if you have a mountain. I'm in the Blackstone valley but we're starting to see signs of an early fall here as well.
Gardening is on my list today as well. Well, at least the "watering" part is. It's been so dry for a few weeks now.
I ...
How's your gardening going Marilyn.