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Hi! My names is Jeffrey Todd Cofran Y-111 DNA tested and match up to Cochrane, Cochran, Cothran, Sample, and Semple's. Here is my Cofran/Cochrane line.
Waldenus DeCochrane (1240 - 1300)
21st great...Hi! My names is Jeffrey Todd Cofran Y-111 DNA tested and match up to Cochrane, Cochran, Cothran, Sample, and Semple's. Here is my Cofran/Cochrane line.
Waldenus DeCochrane (1240 - 1300)
21st great-grandfather
William DeCochrane (1285 - 1360)
son of Waldenus DeCochrane
John DeCochran (1320 - 1380)
son of William DeCochrane
Goseline DeCochran (1340 - 1400)
son of John DeCochran
William DeCochran (1365 - 1421)
son of Goseline DeCochran
Robert Cochrane (1388 - 1389)
son of William DeCochran
Allan Cochrane (1432 - 1484)
son of Robert Cochrane
Robert Cochrane (1471 - 1539)
son of Allan Cochrane
JOHN"Earl" COCHRAN (1490 - 1537)
son of Robert Cochrane
John Cochrane (1526 - 1556)
son of JOHN"Earl" COCHRAN
John Cochran (1550 - 1620)
son of John Cochrane
James Hugh Cochran (1575 - 1650)
son of John Cochran
James Cochran (1608 - 1647)
son of James Hugh Cochran
John Cochran (1628 - 1687)
son of James Cochran
Deacon John Cochran (1662 - 1747)
son of John Cochran
James Cochran (1713 - 1795)
son of Deacon John Cochran
John Cofran (1742 - 1806)
son of James Cochran
Colonel James Cofran (1782 - 1861)
son of John Cofran
John Langdon Cofran (1810 - 1862)
son of Colonel James Cofran
Lee Roy Cofran (1844 - )
son of John Langdon Cofran
Lee Roy Cofran (1882 - 1955)
son of Lee Roy Cofran
Louis Lee Roy Cofran (1915 - 2001)
son of Lee Roy Cofran
1st Lt. George Lee Cofran Army (1945 - )
son of Louis Lee Roy Cofran
Corporal Jeffrey Todd Cofran USMC
You are the son of 1st Lt. George Lee Cofran Army