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Colleen Anne Hunter updated her profile information.
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Hi I am a descendant of Samuel Hunter who married a Mary A Cameron in County Antrim Northern Ireland. His son John Hunter Married a foundling by the name of Mary, on the marriage certificate she is li...Hi I am a descendant of Samuel Hunter who married a Mary A Cameron in County Antrim Northern Ireland. His son John Hunter Married a foundling by the name of Mary, on the marriage certificate she is listed as Mary of Linney (she used the surname Campbell when they travelled to Dalmellinton in Scotland).
Samuel Hunters father was a William Hunter.... I dont have any further information on who his mother was... I am assuming that at some time Samuels father, or grandfather may have moved from Scotland to Northern Ireland, either in search of work, having something to do with the building of Ulster.
John and Mary Hunter arrived in Australia in 1882, Their son James Hunter married a Louisa Goodrich these are my great great grandparents.
if there are any connections out there who are related to Samueal and Mary Hunter would love to hear from you.