Hello Dave!
My name is Mariel, and I live in Norway, Bergen.
I am trying to get a hold of a picture of Moy Hall from about 1800-1870. My boyfried is scottish, his name is Henrik McIntosh. It's his bir...
My name is Mariel, and I live in Norway, Bergen.
I am trying to get a hold of a picture of Moy Hall from about 1800-1870. My boyfried is scottish, his name is Henrik McIntosh. It's his bir...
Dave McIntosh is now friends with
Dave McIntosh posted on Debi Keck's wall.
Check out Clan Mackintosh of North America at cmna.org. Or, depending upon where you live, come out to a Scottish Games Event. The next one will be in Modesto CA in June, followed by Monterey in Aug a...
Dave McIntosh updated his profile photo.
Dave McIntosh posted on Tartan Footprint's wall.
I am currently the Vice President for Clan Mackintosh of North America and would gladly admin the Mackintosh page
Amanda Moffet
I have added you as the admin for the Mackintosh Group.