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Stacy Mayle

Stacy Mayle

Lives in Streetsboro, Ohio United States ·
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Last Login:
February 14, 2020
Member Since:
February 14, 2020
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About Me

I’m the Anderson family historian. It’s title I carry proudly! My favorite quote: “When she’s good she’s very good and when she’s bad she is horrid”. Personal political opinion: Trumps got to go, period! Favorite mom and son story: I had just turned a half a centuryߘ and my 21-year-old son had to go to the emergency room. He took himself after work and called me when he got there. So, of course I rush there, throw open the curtain, and I said ѢHoney are you ok”? And the nurse that was in the room said “Oh! You must be his girlfriend”! I started laughing and my son started fake gagging! The nurse just looked at us and I told her I was his mother. Then she said “Oh my gosh! You look so young, I just thought you were his girlfriend”. And I laughed some more and he gagged some more!ߘ

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Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs and virtually anything Mel Brooks makes, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Alien series, Star Wars 4, 5 and 6 only, Resident Evil series, the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings series and the most 80’s comedies.


I like to watch anime and reading fan fiction!


Hair band’s, love the 80’s, 90,s dance and rap