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Gregg O. Byers

Gregg O. Byers

Lives in Muncie, Indiana United States ·
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Last Login:
April 13, 2016
Member Since:
April 11, 2016
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About Me

I am a retired teacher of elementary and also was a professor of elementary education classes at our local university here in Muncie. I also am very interested in genealogy and have been doing genealogy work since probably my high school years, collecting much information about both sides of my family. By the way I am Scottish on both sides. My mother's maiden name was Gregg which became my first name and my last name Byers is of the Scottish Byers. My Byers family lived in Ayre, Scotland before immigrating through Ulster, Ireland to the U.S. No wonder my Byers great uncles would recite so many poems and songs which I did record on of them doing at a reunion we had. Hopefully I can post it on here. It was great to hear. I also am an artist and have worked in clay, weaving, and paper art. So I like many things in the art world. Glad to be a part of this group and to know we have a group to discuss the past.

Clan/Clans you are part of

MacGregor and Byers/Byres