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Helen M Lamberton

Helen M Lamberton

Lives in Scotland ·
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Last Login:
September 23, 2016
Member Since:
July 31, 2015
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About Me

I was born in Scotland and have lived here all my life with the exception of a couple of months in Guilford, surrey. Have done some geneology on both sides of my family. Can only get back to circa 1800 on both sides.I am happily single and have not interest in changing that. I try to treat everyone with the same respect as I would expect from them. I am not religious. I have a cynical regard for politics and especialy politicians. I also have a strong dislike for bigotry in aby shape or form.

Clan/Clans you are part of

Cunningham and Stuart


The only types of films I loath are blood and guts horror. My likes are varied


Reading, mostly paranormal romance and fantasy. Photography, although I'm only a fair weather photographer. Cross stitch. I have far too many WIPs. I dabble in other hobbies.


Folk music, mostly Scottish, pop music, especially 60s-80s inclusive. Classical.