I was born and raised in California and married at age 20. My life was full of questions even as a small child...My father is a blond haired, blue eyed, red bearded Scotsman and mother is of Latin/Spanish origin with royal family roots tracings to the inquisitions in Spain in the 1600's...
I never met my grandfather nor knew of my McKenzie roots. Just recently, I met a great McKenzie Cousin and sent me all her work on where we came from. My roots to Inverness where my 6th great grandfather was a weaver and a merchant. His family of five set said from Stornoway to America on 1775.
My inheritance as a child was never spoken about - earthly or eternally as father and mother were not interested of their origins or in Jesus Christ as Lord. They were set out to make a life for themselves as they were married very young.Their marriage lasted only 12 years. I soon started to do all I could to live life to the fullest in the world through alcohol & drugs etc. After 13 years of marriage, I realized that nothing could fill this void deep within my heart...nothing, not the three houses I owned by the time I was age 30, not the new cars, nothing!
1998 on the brink of divorce, I met an old friend I used to do drugs with. He had changed and displayed loads of peace and I wanted it since I had none. He invited me to his Church and that following Sunday I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. I started to commune with the Lord and started to hear from His Heart for me through prayer and divine reflection. Father God began to heal my brokenness from times past and filled me up with His love for myself through the spirit of adoption...a knowing His love and acceptance for me and other's.
A few years and lots of restoration later, my wife and I grew closer than ever before. We both were called into His ministry onto His poor, orphaned, brokenhearted and widowed in Africa, Israel with Iris Global. We are ordained by Rolland and Heidi Baker to love God and love people. Our first trip to Scotland, I felt such an excitement not knowing my family history all that well. Once I arrived, the Lord awakened me to my rich roots from where my ancestors came.
I have now just begun to piece together our roots...I visited our family MacKenzie Highlands and began to become aquatinted with the Highland way and my rich inheritance. I felt right at home in the Highlands in a way I had never felt before anywhere else...
This has been an incredible journey of the heart. Scotland is God's garden and my wife and I were privileged to live in Glasgow an Edinburgh. And new God allows us to encourage my kinsmen and youth to believe for something more.
Lands, titles and positions are nice however it will never truly fill the void that is in every one's heart....No one can ever take away the inheritance Father God gives you through His Son, Jesus the Christ. God put that void in your heart to seek him out and to have a relationship with him & life abundant...
Put your trust in God! Valor, honor, loyalty and integrity are all characteristics of God when He is allowed to live inside your heart. It is the very thing that transforms ordinary men into Kings and warriors!
My fellow kinsmen, you are valued and loved by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, JESUS the CHRIST! Our Battle Cry..."Tula chard" To the High Hill!