Hello my great great grandmother is Rebecca E Stark married name Cannon..I have traced my family back to Aaron stark born in 1608
Hello, I have also traced my ancestry to John Muirhead Stark. Have you found that we are indeed part of the Donnachaidh clan? My father was adopted by his step father changing his last name from stark...
Hello all! In tracing my ancestry back I have found that the Stark last name is associated with the Robertson Clan. I have traced my lineage back to a John Muirhead Stark of the Starks of Killermont. ...

Christopher W Matheny
My last name is supposed to be Stark. my father was adopted by his step father changing his last name to Matheny. We are also descended from a giant slayer named William Muirhead. He killed the giant bandit Named Bertram De Shotts.
- July 12, 2020
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Hello all. Through some research I have come to find out that I am from the Robertson clan. Hoping to find some long lost relatives out there.