Clan Lamont
Clan Lamont shared a photo
A painting of James Lamont in the 1870's he has a sword with a brass basket hilt of late eighteenth century pattern also a stag's horn dirk, a buck's horn small knife and a buck's horn skean dhu. Hold...
- May 30, 2015 3:37 pm
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julie Lamb
Amanda Moffet...that was a Lochaber axe. These were originally designed with a long haft and hook at the end to enable the user to pull his opponent off his horse and then attack him with the axe.
- May 30, 2015
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julie Lamb
It actually looked to me like something a shepherd used when bringing in the flock,but I was corrected on this point by several people.
- May 30, 2015
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Quite a long article,but a great read.
Clan Lamont
Electric Scotland is all about the history of Scotland, Scots and Scots-Irish people in Scotland and around the world.

Clan Lamont shared a photo
Kilfinan Church,Under the North wing is the Lamont burial vault dating from the 9th to the 18th century
The above link has dates and times for the yearly UK Clan Lamont gathering for 2015.
Tartan Footprint created an event.
Clan Lamont Gathering 2014
Cowal Highland Gathering Week Homecoming
As 2014 is another year of Homecoming (the first being in 2009, mainly in Edinburgh) it was felt that as part of the extension and enhancement of the Cowal Hi...
As 2014 is another year of Homecoming (the first being in 2009, mainly in Edinburgh) it was felt that as part of the extension and enhancement of the Cowal Hi...
Annual Gathering of the Clan Lamont Society 24th and 25th, August 2013 http://www.clanlamontsociety.co.uk/

Amanda Moffet added new photos to her album "Lamonts"
Tartan Footprint added new photos to his album "Carrick Castle"