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Liz Doyle

Lives in Clarksville, Tennessee United States ·
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Liz Doyle
Tam. I found what you referred to in Wiki, but I think it is somebody's theory and no more proven than the others. I found something in the Lincluden Chronicles in the library at Castle Douglas that t...
Liz Doyle
Come on Bren, we know how to spell Lochmaben. Just didn't pay attention to the fact that fingers sometimes have a mind of their own. LOL
Liz Doyle
Bren, as unusual as that is, I agree with you. ;-). Turnberry is the most logical place. I mentioned Loachmaben because they have a plaque proclaiming to be his birth place. His father was born in Wr...
Liz Doyle
I've seen the signs at the town of Lochmaben, declaring itself the birthplace of Robert The Bruce, and I have heard of the theory that he was born at Turnberry, his mother's castle, but I have never h...
Liz Doyle
I don't much believe in predestination, but it definitely was a good thing that Mary did not become pregnant while married to the Dauphin. That would have been a major upset to history. LOL
Liz Doyle
So far it has not been very exciting, I was so bored that I fell asleep after lunch. LOL
Liz Doyle
The same to you Deb. All the best for the New Year.
Liz Doyle
That looks like fun. Happy
All you could do around here these days is make a mudslide. It's been raining for days and the yard is turning into a swamp. My dogs hate it and I'm not fond of it either. LOL
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Liz Doyle
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