Hi there. I'm new and hoping to learn more about my Scottish Heritage for my son and I. We are truly excited to learn about where we come from. My great grandmother was a May and her Father was from S...
- February 23, 2017 6:11 pm
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Sir.Randall Paul Haffley shared a photo
(Donnachaidh) Duncan, Robertson,Reed/Reid, MacAlpine, MacDonald
clan families Me wishn u all a merry holiday.. Sla'inte ;-)
Sir, Randall Paul Haffley is,
SO WISHN ALL Me Scot brothers Sisters an family and friends in Alba/scotland and u.s.a a very happy Thanksgiving ♥ Happy
SO WISHN ALL Me Scot brothers Sisters an family and friends in Alba/scotland and u.s.a a very happy Thanksgiving ♥ Happy
Amanda Moffet shared a photo
Way politics used to be done - out on tiny island: Council Isle (Eilean na Comhairle) Finlaggan taken couple of days ago by Rodger.
Marilyn Sloper
Amanda, there are many a politician I would like to see out on a tiny island...and left there.
- July 23, 2015
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I am a Macdonald, small "D". My father was born in Glasgow, but my bloodline is from Inverness. I am a direct descendant from the head of the clan but one of my relatives was into the theatre which wa...

Marilyn Sloper
My clan "Houston" is part of the MacDonalds but not sure which branch. My granddad said his line came from the highlands. Any ideas which MacDonalds the Houston sept is part of?
- July 23, 2015
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The Scotsman's profile of Clan MacDonald:
Scottish clan profile: MacDonald
The clan Donald is indisputably the largest of all the Highland clans and has many important branches. The clan was dominant in the western coasts of Scotland for many centuries leading up to the even

Debra J McDaniel
I am of the Clan Donald and our last name has been several variations such as McDaniels, McDohnell, McDonald etc. however my research stated that all McDonalds, McDaniels etc. are out of the very same clan. It is my goal to go to the Highland Games in North Carolina next year as I know there are ple...
- July 20, 2015
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Amanda Moffet shared a photo
The Funeral of Donald P Macdonald, Fort William
Does anyone know anything about him?