Clan Mackintosh (MacIntosh)
As far as I’ve researched my McIntosh descendants came from Farr in Sutherland. I also have relatives from Caithness. Through Facebook recently I’ve discovered a link to the family and have been to ad...
- March 6, 2025 5:57 pm
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My great paternal grandfather, Alexander MacIntosh migrated to the colonies somewhere in the 1840 - 1860 period. He married Martha Roberts. Would love to know if anyone has any connections with him..
Hello everyone! I just recently decided to start digging into my family on my dad's side of the family. My grandmother (Elsie (MacKintosh) Lee) was born in Scotland to Donald and Elizabeth MacKintosh....
I'm a new member, and just trying to learn more about my ancestry. My grandfather, McKinley Mackintosh (sp. McIntosh), was the first of my ancestry to be born in the U.S. His family settled in Kentu...
Dave McIntosh
Hello, Sandra. Welcome to the group. Be sure to also check out www.cmna.org or clan mackintosh of north america on facebook
- December 13, 2015
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Hi I'm new to the group. My mother's father was a McIntosh. My father was a McKissick. We are from Matagorda County Texas.