Owen Wright shared a photo
- April 8, 2014 4:56 am
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Owen Wright
Would love to find a stack of these on sale somewhere.
- April 8, 2014
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Completed a little side research project yesterday. I located my friend Stephanie's Scottish great-grand parent's immigration documents. They left Arbroath Scotland via Liverpool and the steamship "Ba...

Owen Wright shared a photo
"For we fight not for glory, no riches, no honours, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives up except with his life."
From the Declaration of Scottish Independence at Abroath Abbey in 1320
Owen Wright posted a comment on his photo
I have only seen the Highland Cattle only a couple of times here in the U.S. I grew up on a cattle farm in South Georgia where we raised Black Angus....which are an equally beautiful breed.

Owen Wright shared a photo
Owen Wright posted a comment on Thomas Gray's photo
Appears to have been abandoned during the 1940s.