Clan Thom(p)son
Clan Thom(p)son shared a photo
- January 10, 2014 4:03 pm
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Stirling Thompson
As you can see we are a very armigerous clan!
- January 10, 2014
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If you want more information about Clan Thompson please visit our website at www.clanthompson.org or visit us on facebook.

Amanda Moffet shared a photo
From Inverary Jail - John Thomson was the prison surgein there from Jan 4th 1848. He would see each prisoner once a week, making sure they were adequately fed and that their cells were properly heate...
Mary Thompson
I tried right after it was announced, but couldn't get the email verification link to work. Tried again and VOILA!
- March 5, 2013
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Clan Thompson Society was granted Ensigns Armorial by Lord Lyon last year. While our chiefly line has long been lost, the society is working to once again establish the Thom(p)sons among their lowland...