I have learned an important aspect, When i dwell on and sigh about trouble's, they grow in D_O_U_B_L_E. S But when i try to shrug them off and laugh about them... they become ö ö ö ö ö fun BuBBLes as ...
a Tad of scottish Wisdom :
Ok so its a Saturday again and you'll be headed out to drink and have fun
U SUM OF DITCHES swallow them, eat them up, them drivers who were stupid and drive into you Ditches, ...
Ok so its a Saturday again and you'll be headed out to drink and have fun
U SUM OF DITCHES swallow them, eat them up, them drivers who were stupid and drive into you Ditches, ...
tis en beautiful evening ta enjoy, dons't let tit be a bore, tis i so ta ya implore, go out de door en enjoy tis evening even more, enjoyment tis lifes happiness en joy en root en core, so enjoy en le...

Marilyn Sloper
The uplifting quality of your poem came right through it, Randall. It made me smile and feel thankful that such an evening exists. It is good of you to encourage us to share it with others and to spread our joy around.
Thank you for reminding each one of us that we can be a gift to someone else...

Sir.Randall Paul Haffley
Marilyn, it tis me heart in its deepest parts which hath said what tis said, to spread i so hope smiles, joys ;-)
I must at this time ask if i may, say some words to you today, and to all you say your in my thoughts today , as i do try to hold at bay all other thoughts that come my way or even get in my way, and ...
I would love to chat an meet more of our Duncan Clan family from scotland especially from around Duncan Scotland/ Aberdeenshire areas I am Family descendent of king Duncan King of scotland my Grand Pa...
Tartan Footprint posted a comment on his photo
Relatively speaking the Glencoe Massacre pales compared to the virtual extinction of MacDonald's on Rhum and Eigg or other atrocities carried by MacDonalds and MacLeods and MacDonalds and MacLeans aga...
Tartan Footprint posted a comment on alexander Cochrane's photo
did it last year and my daughter and I are doing it again later this year. looks like you had the same weather as me on the last day - i was like a drowned rat walking into fort-bill