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Tartan Footprint»Photos

Lives in Edinburgh, United Kingdom · · is married to Amanda Moffet
Near Castle Lachlan
Loch Fyne from Castle Lachlan
Inside Castle Lachlan
Inside Castle Lachlan
Castle Lachlan
Castle Lachlan
New Castle Lachlan
Kilmorie Chapel, MacLachlan Burial Ground
Grave of the 24th Chief of MacLachlan
Bats at Dunans Castle
Dunans Castle
Dunans Castle
Carrick Castle
Carrick Castle
Carrick Castle
Looking up Loch Goil
Woodpecker marks in Ardentinny Forest
Clark Family Headstones at Kilmun Church, Cowal
Douglas arms on Mausoleum, Kilmun Church, Cowal
Douglas Mausoleum, Kilmun Church, Cowal
Campbell Mausoleum, Kilmun Church, Cowal