August 19, 2015 by Marion Laurence
I am thrilled to have completed a patchwork quilt for my granddaughter.There is something so satisfying to be part of generations of women who create with love,things for their homes.This pattern is c...

Marilyn Sloper
Marion, that is stunning. Absolutely gorgeous!
- August 19, 2015
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Marion Laurence
Thank you-with all the enormous effort involved,I didn't know how it would look until finished,and am happily surprised.
- August 19, 2015
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Marilyn Sloper
It's just so beautiful, Marion. Surely your granddaughter will cherish it for the rest of her life and pass it on to her own children.
- August 19, 2015
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Diane Cupp
gorgeous, I don't quilt but I do sew a lot, I know the hours it takes and it is am heirloom
- August 19, 2015
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Deb Logan Nixon
Beautiful Marion!!
- August 19, 2015
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Glenna Davidson Brock
Absolutely gorgeous! Your grand daughter silk Cherish it, I'm sure! You did a wonderful job! Give yourself a pat on the back!
- August 19, 2015
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Glenna Davidson Brock
That was supposed to say "will cherish" not silk. My phone is crazy!
- August 19, 2015
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helen borsok
Amazingly beautiful, Marion! One needs to have great patience to create such a masterpiece. I would like to start a patchwork but I have no time - too much work...
- October 22, 2015
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Deb Logan Nixon
Beautiful!!! So many talented women here! Your granddaughter will love this Marion. A wonderful heirloom.
- October 22, 2015
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Marilyn Sloper
I went back in October to look at this again, Marion. it's really too pretty to use. I think it would look great up on a wall as a room focal piece. Sure wish I knew how to make quilts but I don't think I have the patience. You, however, have quite the Gift!
- October 22, 2015
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