Clan Bannatyne
This name originates from the placename Bennachtain, the location of which is unknown. William de Bennothine witnessed a grant by David Olifard to the Hospital of Soltre between 1153 and 1177. Nicholas de Benothyne witnessed a charter by William de Moravia benefitting the same Hospital between 1278 and 1294.
Nicol de Benauty of Lanarkshire rendered homage in 1296 and is the first of the name to be connected with the west coast of Scotland where the clan eventually built Corra Castle at Corehouse in the 15th century.
In 1362 Johannes de Bennachtyne de le Corrokys (Corehouse) resigned the land of Nudre (Niddry) with pertinents in the sheriffdom of Edinburgh.
Richard Bannachtyn, dominus de Corhouse, is recorded in 1459, also Richard Banauchtyn de Corhouse appears as a witness in 1467.
The spelling of the surname varied between Bannatyne and Ballantyne up until the reign of Charles II.
The Bannatynes of Bute followed both the earl of Argyll and the Stewarts of Bute.
In 1547 the chief of the Bannatynes/MacCamelynes gave a bond of manrent to Stewart of Bute.