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Wall Comment: #153

Sheila Blackadder
So, tell me about this site. Is this new? Are you needing researchers to fill in more information about the various clans? What are the plans for the site?
  and  like this.
Chas Mac Donald
Ha ha ha! Just wait till Amnda sees this. She'll be all over you like a rash! I think the answer will be yes, cos a volunteer is better than ten pressed men as they say. But more than that, Tartan Footprint has its heart in the right place, unlike some others... Welcome and enjoy!
Amanda Moffet
Oooo just seen this!
Yes - we really need any help. The reality is it's just a couple of us doing all the work at the moment.

Anyone can write blogs, articles, create events.
If you are interested in a specific clan I can make you admin for that group and you can edit/add information.

We are aiming to ...