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Founder of Clan Keith Society Dies

Sadly the Founder of The Clan Keith Society USA, INC., George L. Newberry, passed away this morning.

George founded the USA Clan Keith Society with John Newberry at Grandfather Mountain. Without George the Clan Keith Society would not have been such a vibrant Clan Society as it is today. For this we have to thank him for all the great work he has done.

Everyone here at ScotClans would like to pass on their condolences to his family and friends.

"Slowly members of the Keith Clan came to our tent and in the late sixties and early seventies the thought arose that we should form our own Society. We marched as a Clan in 1970 and 1971 at Grandfather. In 1972 we marched as a Clan Society." - George Newberry, co-founder

Founder of The Clan Keith Society USA, INC.  George L. Newberry

Founder of The Clan Keith Society USA, INC. George L. Newberry

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