Clan MacKinnon gets a new Chieftan
Clan MacKinnon have a new lease of life - not only have they appointed a new Chieftan but have a shiny new website. This will serve as a great resource to the widespread MacKinnon Clan. They want everyone to know they are very much alive and active.
There has been a change to the organizational leadership. The tile of Clan Chieftan Representative of MacKinnon of MacKinnon has been passed to Gerald McKinnon.
Their new website ( ) is great, and they have an active Facebook page: which has over 200 likes. If you have MacKinnon in your blood please support them and like the page.
They have representatives/members in 26 States (U..S.) 3 provinces, Australia and Indonesia.
We are not sure why the site doesn't show their current Clan Chief - Madam Ann MacKinnon of MacKinnon but great to see a society embrace the internet and social media.
There has been a change to the organizational leadership. The tile of Clan Chieftan Representative of MacKinnon of MacKinnon has been passed to Gerald McKinnon.

Their new website ( ) is great, and they have an active Facebook page: which has over 200 likes. If you have MacKinnon in your blood please support them and like the page.
They have representatives/members in 26 States (U..S.) 3 provinces, Australia and Indonesia.
We are not sure why the site doesn't show their current Clan Chief - Madam Ann MacKinnon of MacKinnon but great to see a society embrace the internet and social media.