Armstrongs on TV

The BBC has begun the re-broadcast of the series 'Scotland's Clans' with the story of Clan Armstrong. This was broadcast here in the UK on Monday night and is available online on the BBCi Player.
I have to say that the presentation was first rate and whilst there will no doubt be a few that will not be pleased that the program is not stuffed with 'facts' (spurious names, dates, and references to this or that charter of 14 somethingorother) The program did give a very well balanced view of the position of the clan in Scotland's history.
Obviously the program centred on the Armstrong's Riever past and the clan's betrayal by the Stuart monarchs.
I'd hate to have to sift through all the emails and letter that the BBC will no doubt get at the end of this series from all of those 'outraged' that their clan are not included ('dear sir, why has the Bellshill branch of the clan macshuggle not been included given our contribution to the world of steam driven lawnmower production in the late 19th century? Our clan chief lives at 19 shaleheap view rise, auchenmurtle etc etc') but even the BBC don't have the resources to cover all but the most significant.
Still to come are: Cameron, Campbell, Fraser, Mackenzie, MacLeod, MacDonald, MacGregor
Border Reivers, Clan Armstrong