The Beast of Duffus Caught on Camera

A couple and their 3 children were having a family day out at Duffus Castle on Easter Sunday when they caught sight a large panther-like black beast prowling out of the woodland. Craig and Angela from Lossiemouth managed to capture the cat on film.
Craig commented: "I have three house cats, so I know how big they are, and it was about twice the size of a normal cat," ... "It had broader shoulders and was far more muscular. Its ears were much bigger as well."
The sighting has reignited the debate on the creatures which some say are pumas, leopards or lynx but which others maintain are figments of overactive imaginations.
Experts believe there are currently 40-100 big cats in Scotland with "hot spots" in Grampian and Fife, followed by Lothian and Strathclyde.