Thai Tourist Guide Uses Picture of Hebridean Beach
by Donald

A picture of the white sands and crystal clear blue waters of West Beach on the island of Berneray are being used by Thailand's tourist board to advertise Kai Bae beach on Ko Chang, the country's second largest island.
However, there are plenty of distinct differences between the view of the Sound of Harris and Kai Bae beach, most notably the presence of the Harris Hills on the horizon, that the use of the picture was quickly spotted. It is believed that the Thais lifted the photo straight from the website of local photographer John Kirriemuir.
A spokesperson for VisitScotland commented on the photograph's use, saying, "Here in the Outer Hebrides we are fortunate to have some of the most spectacular scenery in the world, right on our doorstep.
"They do say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, so although the use of the photo of a beach on the Isle of Berneray to represent a Thai beach is somewhat misleading, I'm sure it is a compliment in disguise."
Harris, Isle of Berneray