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Plans announced for 'Bannockburn 700′

The Gathering

The Scottish government has also designated 2014 as Scotland's second year of homecoming. The first took place in Edinburgh 2009. It was a hugely important event for Scottish Clans all around the world becoming the largest clan meeting. So excitement about this next event is starting to build.

This time it will take place just outside Stirling, at Bannockburn, this coincides with 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn, where Robert the Bruce was victorious over the English on 24 June 1314.

Stirling council are going to be organising a summer long programme of events.

It's going to be a busy year as Scotland will host the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles.

The council has already announced a £5m visitor centre, which will be built at the battle site in time for the anniversary.

Provost Fergus Wood said it was a chance to put Stirling on the "world stage".

"Let's all rise to the occasion and start planning now for a terrific 2014. I'd like to encourage everyone in the Stirling family to help shape our celebrations," he said.

"I hope as many local people as possible will join in by giving us their ideas and getting involved in their communities.".

We'd love to hear what people are thinking about Bannockburn 700. We have set up a facebook page: The Gathering 2014
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