Glasgow Dictionary
For all you visitors to our fair land, if you're wishing to visit Glasow and understand what everyones saying - this might help (sorry some are a bit rude):
Word------------------ Meaning
Aboot------------------ About
Aff------------------ Off
Ah------------------ I
Ahmur ------------------ I am
Ahmurny------------------ I am not
Ain------------------ Own
Alang------------------ Along
Alane------------------ Alone
Alwiz------------------ Always
An'all------------------ And all
Arnae------------------ Aren't
Aroon------------------ Around
Auld ------------------ Old
Aw / Awe------------------ All
Awfy------------------ Awful
Awright------------------ All right
Aye------------------ Yes
Baccy ------------------ Tobaco
Backie ------------------ Help a friend climb a wall or to carry a passenger on a bicycle
Bahookie ------------------ Bum / Bottom
Baltic ------------------ Really cold
Bampot ------------------ Derogatory term / Person of an unstable nature
Bamstick------------------ Akin to a bampot, perhaps a litle more complex
Banjo ------------------ Hit someone
Banjoed ------------------ Getting hit, Punched
Banter ------------------ Talk (usually describe interesting talk)
Bar L ------------------ Barlinnie jail
Barney ------------------ Fight
Barras ------------------ The barrows market
Barrbru, Babru------------------ Irn Bru
Bass, Ya ------------------ Bastard, word originally used by the Gorbals gangs from the 1960s
Bawbag Ballbag,------------------ term of endearment.
Baws ------------------ Balls
Bead Rattler ------------------ Catholic
Bedraggled ------------------ In deplorable condition
Bealin / Beelin ------------------ Angry
Belly ------------------ Stomach
Beezer ------------------ Something good
Beltar, or Beltur ------------------] Super duper.
Belter ------------------ Something that is good / good looking
Besom / Bizzum ------------------ Obstreperous / Annoying person
Bevvie / Bevvy ------------------ Achoholic beverage
Bidyin ------------------ Rent-free cohabiter
Big Hoose ------------------ Prison
Big Man ------------------ A general term used in greeting to a male friend.
Bile ------------------ Boil
Bingo Bus ------------------ Police Van
Bint ------------------ Derogatory term for girlfriend
Birl ------------------ Spin your body round.
Bizzum / Besom ------------------ Obstreperous / Annoying person
Black Affronted ------------------ Very Embarrassed
Black Maria ------------------ The large black police bus that takes neds to court from police offices
Black necks ------------------ Dirty Person
Blaw ------------------ Blow
Blazin ------------------ Drunk
Bleach or bleached to hit or repeatedly hit with blunt instrument i.e a bottle
Blether ------------------ Gossip / chat
Blootered ------------------ Drunk
Blotto ------------------ Drunk
Blow------------------ Hash
Boabie ------------------ Penis
Boak ------------------ Vomit
Boak (eg "It wud gae yeh ra boak - so it wud") ------------------ Sick
Boatle a' soup. ------------------ Buckfast wine
Boattle ------------------ Bottle
Boax ------------------ Box
Bog ------------------ Toilet
Boggin ------------------ Filthy, Dirty
Bolt ------------------ Run, Flee
Bonce ------------------ Head
Bonnie ------------------ Pretty
Bookie ------------------ Bookmaker
Boozers ------------------ Pub
Bottle Merchant------------------ Coward
Boufin’ ------------------ Indescribably Smelly
Brass Monkey ------------------ Junkie
Braw ------------------ Good / pleasant
Brekk ------------------ Break
Bucket, Bucket-bong,------------------ water implement used to smoke hash.
Buckfast Commando ------------------ intoxicated, aggressive yet fearless individual
Buckfast Triangle------------------ Airdrie, Bellshill, Coatbridge
Buckfast Valley ------------------ Lower Clyde valley, Lanarkshire
Bucky ------------------ Buckfast Tonic Wine
Budgies------------------ Wearing your socks over your tracksuit trousers
Bufter------------------ Homosexual
Bufty ------------------ Homosexual
Bum ------------------ A person who can't fight
Bump/ Bumped ------------------ Steal, Stolen
Bunty ------------------ Someone who gets bullied
Burds ------------------ Females
Buroo ------------------ Social Security
Buzzin ------------------ Stoned, drunk
Byraway ------------------ Used instead of a full stop at the end of every sentence byraway
Cafefy ------------------ Careful
Calley ------------------ Can of Carlsberg Special Brew
Canae ------------------ Can't
Cargo ------------------ Carry Out - essentials from off licence
Cargo Shop ------------------ Off Sales
Cauld ------------------ Cold
Caulder ------------------ Colder
Chanty Rastler ------------------ Plumber
Charred ------------------ Drunk
Cheeba ------------------ Dope, Hash
Cheeky water ------------------ Alcohol
Cheers ------------------ Often used in place of the words like “hello,” “goodbye,” and “thank you”
Chib ------------------ Knife, any weapon carried by a thug
Chibbed ------------------ Being like hit or cut with a weapon
Chippie ------------------ Chip shop
Chong ------------------ Hash
Claes ------------------ Clothes
Clatty ------------------ Dirty / Rude
Clockwork Orange------------------ The Glasgow Underground Train System
Close ------------------ Communal entrance to a tenement building
Clout ------------------ Hit (usually on head)
Cludgie ------------------ Toilet
Clype ------------------ To grass (tell tales) on someone
C'mon ------------------ Come on
Connle ------------------ Candle
Coo ------------------ Cow
Corpy ------------------ Glasgow Corporation (Glasgow City Council)
Couldnae ------------------ Couldn't
Coupon ------------------ Face
Couthie ------------------ Amiable person
Crabbit ------------------ Ill tempered / grumpy
Cradle Snatcher ------------------ Taking a (much) younger partner
Cratur ------------------ Creature
Cumbie ------------------ Gang name
Da ------------------ Father
Dae ------------------ Do
Daein' ------------------ Doing
Daftie ------------------ Daft person, Idiot
Dain't ------------------ Don't
Dancer, ya ------------------ Really good
Dancin, The ------------------ Disco or nightclub
Dauds ------------------ Bits
Deed ------------------ Dead
Diddies ------------------ Womens breasts
Diddy ------------------ Idiot or fool
Dingy ------------------ To ignore; or clatty - dirty.
Disnae ------------------ Doesn't
Diz ------------------ Does
Dizn't ------------------ Doesn't
Dizzy ------------------ The act of being stood up
Doacter ------------------ Doctor
Dobber ------------------ Penis
Doin, Doing ------------------ A beating
Doon ------------------ Down
Dosser ------------------ Down and Out
Dreich ------------------ Drab / Wet weather
Drookit ------------------ Soaked through
Droont ------------------ Drowned
Drum, The ------------------ Drumchapel, area of Glasgow
Duck's Arse ------------------ A hairstyle (consisting of greased hair piled high on top and swept back at the sides to form a ridge or seam at the back)
Duds ------------------ Trousers
Dug ------------------ Dog
Dug Van ------------------ Small Police ' Wagon '
Dunted ------------------ A wee bit drunk
Edgie ------------------ Keep a look out
Eejit ------------------ Idiot / simpleton
Eff and Blind ------------------ Swear
Efter ------------------ After
Efternin ------------------ Afternoon
Electric Soup ------------------ Cheap strong wine. e.g El Dorado or Buckfast
Emdy ------------------ Anybody
Er the Polis ------------------ There's the police
Erra ------------------ There's eg. Erra ten bob Ah owe ye.
Erse ------------------ Backside
Every fart's end ------------------ Every last detail
Eye ball ------------------ Meet someone face to face
Fae ------------------ From
Faither ------------------ Father
Fancy Bit ------------------ A mistress
Fancy Wumman ------------------ A mistress
Fankle ------------------ In a knot / confused
Fanny-Struck ------------------ In love
Faw ------------------ Fall
Feart ------------------ Scared / Frightened
Fearty ------------------ Coward
Feegie ------------------ Ferguslie Park area
Fella ------------------ Man / Boyfriend
Ferr ------------------ (eg Ferr enough) Fair
Filth, The ------------------ The police
Fit ------------------ Good looking or sexy. (Usually used to describe a girl)
Fitba ------------------ Football
Fleeing ------------------ Mad wth Ecstacy
Fleeto ------------------ Gang name
Fling ------------------ Throw
Flooer ------------------ Flower
Flutter ------------------ A bet (on the horses)
Foalian ------------------ Following
Foot ------------------ Meddle
Fossill Park ------------------ Possilpark
Frae ------------------ From
Frichted ------------------ Frightened
Fuck wit ------------------ Idiot
Fud ------------------ Vagina
Ful eh it ------------------ Drunk
Fur ------------------ For
Gallus ------------------ Self-confident, daring, cheeky. / Stylish
Gawk ------------------ Stare (in a stupid way)
Gaun / Gawn ------------------ Gone / Going
Geeing ------------------ Hurrying someone up
Geeza ------------------ May I please have?
Geezeabrek ------------------ Give me a break (chance)
Gemme ------------------ Game / Up for it
Get lifted ------------------ To be arrested by the police
Gibbering ------------------ Talking nonsense
Gie ------------------ Give
Gies ------------------ Give me
Ginger Boatles ------------------ Lemonade or irn Bru bottles
Girn ------------------ Moan
Glaikit ------------------ Stupid / silly
Glesca ------------------ Glasgow
Glasgow Kiss ------------------ A headbut
Gleasga------------------ Glasgow
G'night ------------------ Goodnight
Gonny / gonnae ------------------ Going to / Will you
Greet ------------------ Cry / weep
Greetin' face ------------------ Someone who is moaning
Greetin' ------------------ Crying
Gret ------------------ Cried
Groggy ------------------ Light headed / faint
Grot ------------------ Derogatory term for girl/boy friend
Guid ------------------ Good
Hackit ------------------ Ugly
Hairy ------------------ Deregatory term for girl
Half shut knife ------------------ Looking depressed, annoyed or tired.
Halfwye ------------------ Half Way
Ham Shank ------------------ Wank
Hame ------------------ Home
Hampden Roar ------------------ Score
Haun ------------------ Hand
Haud / Hawd ------------------ Hold
Haw ------------------ Hey
Hawd / Haud ------------------ Hold
Hawd On ------------------ Hold on
Hawfwit ------------------ A simple person, A moron.
Healthy ------------------ Good looking
Heavy Bongoed ------------------ Drunk, Intoxicated
Heavy Scran ------------------ Good food.
Hee Haw ------------------ Nothing,'re getting hee haw
Heehaw ------------------ Nothing at all
Heid ------------------ Head
Heidache ------------------ Headache
Heider ------------------ To head a ball or a Glasgow kiss
Heidy ------------------ Header, the ball
Hen ------------------ Something all girls get called, substitute for sweetheart', 'doll' etc.
Here you ------------------ To demand someones attention
Hid ------------------ Had
Hingoot ------------------ Whore, woman of ill-repute
Hings ------------------ Hangs
Hoachie ------------------ Unusually lucky
Hoachin ------------------ Full of, bursting at the seems
Hoarses ------------------ Horses
Hoat ------------------ Hot
Hon, Hawn ------------------ Hand
Honkin ------------------ Smelling
Honner ------------------ (Hander) people that step in for you in a fight.
Hoose ------------------ House
Horti ------------------ A form given to motorist by the Police (HORT1)
Hotty ------------------ A weirdo
How? ------------------ Used instead of why
Huckled ------------------ Arrested by the Police
Hud ------------------ Had
Huey (eg “Shouting on Huey”) ------------------ Projectile vomit
Humpin’ ------------------ Procreating up a back close
Hun ------------------ Rangers supporter / Protestant
Hunner ------------------ Hundred
Huv ------------------ Have
Huz ------------------ Has
Huznae ------------------ Hasn't
In't ------------------ Is not
In't Ah ------------------ Am I not
Intae ------------------ Into
Isnae ------------------ Isn't
Jaggey Bunnet ------------------ A Hat
Jaggy ------------------ Supporter of Partick Thistle Football Club
Jaiket ------------------ Jacket
Jake ------------------ Cheap Cider
Jake, jakie ------------------ A tramp
Jars ------------------ Womens breasts
Jay ------------------ A Joint (Hash)
Jeely ------------------ Jam
Jen up ------------------ Honest
Jesusjonny ------------------ For goodness sake (exclamation)
Jigging (The) ------------------ The dancing / Dance (eg Ur ye goin' tae the jigging?)
Jile ------------------ Prison
Jimmy Riddle ------------------ Piddle, Piss, Pee
Jist ------------------ Just
Joab ------------------ Job
Joaby ------------------ Excretement/Shit
Johnny Bags ------------------ Condoms
Jubilee ------------------ Iced carton drink
Juke of Montrose ------------------ A Dose
KB'd ------------------ To get knocked back
Keech ------------------ Excrement
Keek ------------------ Look / Spy on
Keeching ------------------ Shitting
Keep the heid ------------------ Don't got annoyed or frightened
Keepy uppy ------------------ To keep the ball in the air
Ken ------------------ To know
Kerry oot ------------------ A Carry Out
Kerpet ------------------ Carpet
Keys ------------------ Call a truce
Kinna ? ------------------ Can I ?
Laddie ------------------ Boy
Laldie ------------------ A beating / Give it your best shot
Lang ------------------ Long
Lassie ------------------ Girl
Lavvie / Lavvy ------------------ Toilet
Lecky ------------------ Electricity
Lend of (a) ------------------ To take advantage of / Make a fool of
Links ------------------ Sausages
Loast ------------------ Lost
Loupin ------------------ Throbing with pain
Lum ------------------ Chimney
Ma ------------------ Mother / My
Mackie ------------------ Hit with a stick
Mad wae it ------------------ Drunk or drugged
Mair ------------------ More
Maist ------------------ Most
Malky ------------------ To headbut or slash someone
Manky ------------------ Dirty
Manky Matress ------------------ Horrible, dirty people
Margarine Fanny ------------------ A girl who has sex with anyone who asks
Maself ------------------ Myself
Mate ------------------ Friend
Mauchit ------------------ Dirty / filthy
Maw ------------------ Mum
Max'd ------------------ Modified Car
Meat Wagon ------------------ Police Van
Melt ------------------ Face
Menchy ------------------ Writing on a wall
Messages ------------------ Groceries
Mibbe ------------------ Maybe
Midden ------------------ Garbage bins
Midgie ------------------ Bin
Midgie Raker ------------------ A person who rakes through bins.
Mince ------------------ Nonsense, talking mince
Mincy Heid ------------------ Crazy person
Minger ------------------ Smelly Ugly person
Mingin ------------------ Ugly, disgusting
Missis ------------------ Mrs
Mither ------------------ Mother
Moan, C'moan ------------------ Come on
Moarnin' ------------------ Morning
Mob, The ------------------ Police
Mockit, Mocket ------------------ Filthy, dirty
Monday Book ------------------ Child Benefit book, usually cashed at the post office on a Monday.
Mooch ------------------ To ask for something (repeatedly)
Moolurd ------------------ To be completely pished.
Mucca, Mucker ------------------ Friend
Munter ------------------ A real skinking burd (girl)
Munter Hunter ------------------ Man who seeks ugly ladies
Muppet Stupid, ------------------ thick
Mutted, Mut'it ------------------ Very very drunk
Nae bother ------------------ No problem
Nae, Naw ------------------ No
Naebody ------------------ Nobody
Nane ------------------ None
Napper ------------------ Head
Nat King Cole ------------------ Sex
Naw, Nae ------------------ No
Ned ------------------ A thug / Scottish version of chav
Nick ------------------ To steal / Prison
Nip (eg Nip doon) ------------------Go
Nolly,Naully ------------------ Forth and Clyde Canal
Noo ------------------ Now
Nookie ------------------ Sex
Nowt ------------------ Nothing
Nugget ------------------ A piece of faeces or someone who isn't too clever
Numptiejobby ------------------ Person of dubious intelligence and/or character.
Numpty ------------------ Idiot
Numpty-heided ------------------ Derogatory term.
Nyaff (eg Ya wee nyaff.) ------------------Scruff / Irritating person.
O' ------------------Off
Oan ------------------ On /Own
Offies ------------------Off-sales
Offy ------------------ Awfully
On the panel ------------------ To be off sick from work???
Oor ------------------ Our
'oor ------------------ Hour
Oor bit ------------------ The area where we live
Oose ------------------ Dustball
Oot ------------------ Out
Oooside ------------------ Outside
Our bit ------------------ The area where we live
Ower ------------------ Over
Pad aboot ------------------ walk around
Paddy Wagon ------------------ Police riot van
Pal ------------------ Friend
Paps ------------------ Breasts, from Gaelic as in the Paps of Jura
Paradise ------------------ Celtic Park
Pat and Mick,The ------------------ On the 'Sick' (off work)
Patter ------------------ Humorous chat / funny stories
Pearl diver ------------------ Fiver, Five pounds
Peg ------------------ To have sexual intercourse
Pennie ------------------ Apron
Perr ------------------ Pair (That's a rerr perr o jeans.)
Piece ------------------ Sandwich
Pish ------------------ To urinated / Something that's not good
Pish Pundit ------------------ Bookmaker
Pished ------------------ Drunk
Pit ------------------ Put
Plook ------------------ Facial spot / Acne
Plug ------------------ To stab someone
Plunged ------------------ Stabbed
Poaket Money ------------------ Weekly allowance a child is given
Poke ------------------ Paper bag
Pokey hat ------------------ Ice Cream Cone
Polis ------------------ Police
Prick ------------------ Someone not liked
Puff ------------------ Hash
Puggy ------------------ Fruit machine/pinball
Puke ------------------ Vomit
Pure ------------------ Very, pure dead good
Rammie ------------------ Square go, Fight.
Randan (eg Go on the randan) ------------------ Drinking binge
Rank, Rank Rotten ------------------Smells or tastes bad
Rat ------------------ That
Reekin ------------------ Stinkin
Rerr ------------------ Rare / very good
Riddy ------------------ Being embarrised, going red in the face
Rigoot ------------------ Outfit
Rinoo ------------------ Right now
Rocket ------------------ Daft Person
Rockies ------------------ Rockport boots
Roon ------------------ Round
Roond ------------------Round
Rubber ------------------ Really drunk or full of drugs
Rubbery Gub ------------------ Big Mouth
Sae ------------------ So
Sannie ------------------Sandwich
Sannies ------------------Sand shoe, Trainers
Saunter ------------------Walk in an unhurried manner
Scadge ------------------Tramp / Tobacco and hash crumbs for building a joint
Scaff ------------------Scruffy, scavenger
Scants ------------------Underpants
Scheme ------------------Housing Estate
Schemebo ------------------Someone from the housing schemes
Schemey ------------------Person from housing estate (scheme) of an undesirable nature
Scoff ------------------Eat
Scoobies ------------------Police
Scooby ------------------Clue, ryhming slang (Scooby Doo)
Scooter ------------------Gay person
Scran ------------------Food
Scratchcer ------------------Bed
Screws ------------------Police
Scud ------------------Cider / Naked
Scud book ------------------Porno magazine
Scum ------------------Police
Scunner ------------------An annoying person / To sicken
Scunnered ------------------Feel annoyed / Fed-up / a strong dislike
Scuntted ------------------To Hit (someone)
Seen ------------------Used instead of saw
Shitebag ------------------Coward / General derogatory term
Shoot the craw ------------------Leave in a hurry
Shouldnae ------------------Shouldn't
Sid, The ------------------C.I.D, criminal investigation division or undercover police
Single End ------------------One room tenement flat
Single fish ------------------Pish
Skank ------------------Pure stinkin
Skelp ------------------To Slap, Hit
Skins ------------------Rizla cigarette papers for rolling joints.
Skint ------------------To have no money
Skite ------------------Slip
Skiver ------------------One who avoids tasks or work in general
Skunk ------------------Type of cannabis
Skunner ------------------Annoying person
Skunnered ------------------Annoyed / Fed up
Slabber ------------------To drool over something
Slapper ------------------Woman of ill repute
Slash ------------------To urinate
Slasha Hat ------------------ Ned's skip Cap
Slaverin' (at the mouth) ------------------Dripping from the mouth
Slever ------------------To talk nonsense
Smidgeon ------------------ A small piece
Snaster ------------------ Treat such as a cake
Snaw ------------------ Snow
Sneck ------------------ To kiss someone
Snib,The ------------------ Prison
Snibbed ------------------Grounded by parents! (Kept In)
Snog ------------------ Heavy kissing
Soap dodger ------------------ Dirty person
Sodjer ------------------ Soldier
Somedae ------------------ Some day
Sooky ------------------ Blow Job
Sowel (eg wee sowel)------------------ Soul
Spam Valley ------------------ Area of cheap housing eg Duntocher - owners live on spam so they can pay the mortgage
Spent ------------------ Worn out
Sponny ------------------ Unbelievably lucky
Square go ------------------ An even fight / fight without weapons
Stane ------------------ Stone
Stank ------------------ Drain
Stank monster ------------------ Ugly person
Stappit Fu ------------------ Full right up
Staund, Staun ------------------ Stand
Stauner ------------------ Erection
Steaky ------------------ Knife
Steamboats ------------------ Drunk
Steamin ------------------ Drunk
Stoaner ------------------ An erection
Stoap ------------------ Stop
Stoat ------------------ Bounce
Stoated ------------------ very drunk
Stoater ------------------ A Sound Person, a person who's "okay"
Stoater (eg “She’s a wee stoater – so she is”) ------------------ Very pretty girl
Stoating (eg That's a stoating car ye've goat.) ------------------ Very good
Stoatter (eg “Whit a stoatter - that joke wus”) ------------------ Clever play on words
Stoaturs (eg Yon burds ur a right pair of stoaturs.) ------------------ Very good / Very pretty girls
Stoavin to Stoavin ------------------to be extremely drunk
Stocky ------------------Big built (person)
Stooky ------------------ Plaster cast ie. for broken limb
Stoor ------------------ Dust
Stoshus ------------------ Very drunk
Stramash ------------------ Argument or fight
Swadger ------------------ Sweets
Swallied ------------------ Swollowed
Swagger ------------------ A motion of moving arms
Swamp Donkey ------------------Unattractive Woman
Swankin ------------------Joking
Swatch ------------------Look
Tackety Boot ------------------ A heavy boot with studs.
Tadger ------------------ Penis
Tae ------------------To
Taenight ------------------ Tonight
Tagz ------------------ Writing on walls
Tally ------------------Count money / Italian
Tally Van ------------------Ice cream Van ( Tally = Italian)
Tan ------------------To smash a window / To drink your booze very quickly
Tanner ------------------Sixpence (in old money)
Tap ------------------Top, Football top, t-shirt / A loan of money
Tarrier ------------------A catholic, usually of irish descent
Taxed ------------------Reserved
Teetered (eg He teetered along the road) ------------------Moved carefully
Telt ------------------Told
Ten Club ------------------Ned Girl
Ten Bob ------------------Ten shillings in ‘old’ money
Teuchter ------------------Anyone outside Glasgow who does not have a Glasgow accent.
The boak (eg You gae me ra boak) ------------------Sick or feeling sick
The day ------------------Today
The gether ------------------Together
The morra / morro ------------------ Tomorrow
Therr ------------------There
Therr's ------------------There is
Thir ------------------There
Thruppence ------------------ A three pence piece (Old Money)
Thur ------------------There /Their
Tick ------------------Credit (usually from the local shop)
Tim ------------------Celtic fan / Catholic
Tink ------------------Poor person
Tinnies ------------------ Tin Cans
Toaty ------------------ Very small
Toffs ------------------ Rich people
Toley ------------------ Jobby
Tonic ------------------ Buckfast Wine
Tool ------------------ Idiot,(you're a tool)
Toon ------------------ Town or City Center
Toutin ------------------ Smoking
Trackies ------------------ Tracksuit bottoms
Tramcaur ------------------ Tramcar
Trippen ------------------Having a laugh
Troopettes ------------------A group of female friends
Troops, The ------------------Group of friends
Tube ------------------Idiot
Tumshie ------------------Turnip (Also used as derogatory term eg "Ya big tumshie."
Turn, a (eg Doing a turn) ------------------ Criminal act / Providing sex
Um ------------------Am
Ur / Urr ------------------ Are
Urnae ------------------ Aren't
Urr / Ur ------------------Are
Wa' ------------------Wall
Wacky Baccy ------------------Cannabis
Wae ------------------With
Wagon, or Meat Wagon ------------------Large Police van
Walk, The ------------------Orange Parade
Wallies ------------------False teeth
Wally Close ------------------ A tenement close with tiled walls
Walopper ------------------ Penis
Wan ------------------ One
Wance ------------------ Once
Wankered------------------ Drunk
Watter ------------------ Water
Wean ------------------ Baby / child
Wee G ------------------ Glasweigens
Wee man------------------ Small person
Wee ------------------ Small/Short
Weech ------------------ Fling
Wee donner------------------ To take a walk
Weegi ------------------ Protestant Glaswegian
Weegie ------------------ Roman Catholic Glaswegian
Weekender------------------ Arrested, Friday for court on the Monday.
Wet Fart------------------ Unpleasant
Wheesht------------------ Be quiet
Whit------------------ What
Whitever------------------ Whatever
Whitey------------------ Sick
Wi'------------------ With
Wid------------------ Would
Widden ------------------ Wooden
Wide-o ------------------ Untrustworthy person
Widnae------------------ Wouldn't
Willnae / Wullnae------------------ Will not
Winch (pron. whinsh)------------------ Kiss
Winching------------------ Snogging, Kissing
Windae------------------ Window
Windae------------------ licker Person with mental disabilities
Wine ------------------ Buckfast (Tonic wine)
Wino------------------ A heavy drinker / alchoholic
Wisnae ------------------ Wasn't
Wiz------------------ Was
Wizn't------------------ Wasn't
Wud ------------------ Would
Wull ------------------ Will
Wullnae / Willnae ------------------ Will not/Won't
Wumman------------------ Woman
Wur------------------ Our or were
Wye------------------ Way
Yah (eg Yah shitbag)------------------ You
Ye ------------------ You
Yer ------------------ Your
Yersel------------------ Yourself
Ye's ------------------ You
Yin------------------ One
Yon------------------ Them / That
Young team.------------------ A young ned gang.
Youse ------------------ Used as plural of you
Yur ------------------ Your
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