Government Announces Clan Event Fund
by Nadine Lee

The Clans and Families of Scotland
The Scottish Government announced on Wednesday that it is to provide funding for clan events to the tune of £200,000 in 2014 and beyond. The move cements the relationship between clans and the government, highlighting the importance of ancestral tourism to the Scottish economy.
Known as the Scottish Clan Event Fund, the fund will be made available over three years beginning in 2014 to coincide with the Year of Homecoming. Legally constituted clans will be able to apply for financial support of up to £5000 for additional elements that are part of existing events, new activity specifically designed to grow events and events that expand visitor experiences and spread benefits across the country as a whole. Activities covered by the fund will include strategic marketing, adding new event elements, equipment hire and travel and transport in rural areas that supports rural engagement.
MSP for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism, Mr. Fergus Ewing, spoke of the funds potential in supporting the history and traditions of Scottish clans, saying: “The Clan Event Fund will not only help to support activities promoting Clan tourism during the celebrations next year but will also provide legacy by supporting Clan events through to our Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology in 2017.”
The fund was drawn up with the support of clan representatives including the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs and the Highland Clan Partnership. Clans that are not recognised by these bodies will need to make an individual case to the government which includes rationale for why the clan or society should be recognised, and a brief history and background of the clan.
John Mackenzie, Earl of Cromartie and Joint Chair of the Highland Clan Partnership, said he was extremely gratified the Government has recognised the role clans play in tourism and the Scottish economy. "Investment in Clan Events will expand the visitor experience and bring welcome financial, community and cultural benefit to the Highland region of Scotland.”
Sir Malcolm MacGregor also welcomed the move, saying: “The Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs welcomes this initiative which will help to support and enhance Clan activities in local communities and encourage people to celebrate their clan heritage across Scotland.”
Applications are open now and close on the 28th of November. Events seeking funding must take place outside the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow between 1st January 2014 and 31st December 2015. Proposals will be assessed on their ability to provide economic impact, strengthen and develop clans and their societies and to present social, community and cultural benefits.
Click here to view the Scottish Government's webpage about the fund.