I'll be There!

The Clans Parade in 2009
" I was there in 2009. Barely walking. I had double knee surgery just a week before I was to leave for the games. There was no way I was going to let that stop me. It was such a special time. So many wonderful experiences. I met so many "relatives" from Clan Oliphant. I can't really put into words how it made me feel. I've kept in touch with many of them and we've become real friends. One thing that happened, that was mind blowing, is that the first person I met from Clan Oliphant, when I got there, was actually a real cousin that I didn't know I had. To know that we had relatives in common was a real treat."
Lana Oliphant Stewart USA
We have heard so many great stories from people for who the 2009 gathering was a life changing experience, to walk again in the land of their forefathers was something they will never forget. Now its their chance to return again and maybe your chance to come for the first time! Are you coming to Clans2014? why not let us know......
For us at ScotClans the 2009 gathering was a ten minute walk from the house! it was amazing though to see people who had covered quite staggering distances to be there. The sense of excitement was intense and the faces of the clans folk as the paraded up the Royal Mile was plain to see.
In 2014 Scotland once again IS COMING HOME!