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Scotland 2014

Tartan Footprint
I'll be There!
The Clans Parade in 2009 " I was there in 2009. Barely walking. I had double knee surgery just a week before I was to leave for the games. There was no way I was going to let that stop me. It was s...
Tartan Footprint
Clans2014 is now live!
Thank you all for your patience! We now have the clans 2014 website live! We hope you enjoy it and remember this is your site so you tell us what sort of information you need to see here. The site i...
Amanda Moffet
New Bannockburn Heritage Centre for 2014
This is an artists impression of what the site will look like when the centre is opened for the 700th anniversary of the battle of Bannockburn in 2014. The Heritage Centre is currently a rather dre...
Topics: Bannockburn, battles
Nadine Lee
Poem Marks Bannockburn Anniversary
Rotunda Monument at the Bannockburn Battleground A new poem has been unveiled to mark the upcoming 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn. The specially commissioned poem appears on a new t...
Nadine Lee
Why is Scotland so.... Google Reveals All
Internet search giant Google has revealed questions the world wants to know about Scotland, unfortunately showing rather unflattering results. The auto-complete feature imbedded in the search engine ...