Scottish Humour
English Historian Claims Haggis
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by Nadine Lee
An English food historian has declared Haggis as an English delicacy, claiming the Scottish origins of the dish are as “made up” as tartan. Peter Brears has described Haggis as a ‘fine English dish’ ...
Haggis, Scotland v England, scottish food, Tartan

Bus Driver Says 'Kilt Wearing Scots are Lucky'
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by Nadine Lee
A bus driver in the northern Swedish town of Umea has begun wearing a skirt to work as temperatures sore past 25C. Mats Lundgren decided to find a trouser alternative when his boss turned down h...

An Unlikely Jacobite Hero
by Nadine Lee
A number of molehills have sprung up across the battlefield site at Culloden, much to the delight of a Jacobite supporters group. The Circle of Gentlemen – a Highland based Jacobite supporters socie...
'World's Worst Poet' Has Last Laugh
by Nadine Lee
Scottish Poet William McGonagall dubbed 'world's worst'
A handwritten, unpublished work by a Scottish music hall performer known as the world's worst poet is set to fetch thousands of pounds at au...
William McGonagall
Hanging up the Haggis
Martha Hayes likes this.
THE world’s top haggis hurler Alan Pettigrew has announced he is to quit before his 29 year old record is broken.
His world record was set in 1984 when he threw a 1lb 8oz haggis 180ft and 10in on t...

Glasgow Dictionary
For all you visitors to our fair land, if you're wishing to visit Glasow and understand what everyones saying - this might help (sorry some are a bit rude):
Word------------------ Meanin...
Susan Boyle Set to Launch Tartan Range
Carol McPherson likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Donny Osmond proudly wears the tartan of Susan Boyle
Scottish classical singer Susan Boyle has announced that she is releasing her own range of Tartan. In a statement released on her website, the Bl...
scottish register of tartans, susan boyle, Tartan

Terrorising Owl at Large in Inverness
by Nadine Lee
Feathered Foe Remains on the Loose
Here's a strange case of life imitating art from Inverness, with news just in that rivals Hitchcock's 1963 horror The Birds:
A giant Eagle Owl is to blame for at...
Scottish Parents upset at Weetos breakfast cereal
We've been having a good laugh in the office today at this news article: