Scottish Humour
Hanging up the Haggis
Martha Hayes likes this.
THE world’s top haggis hurler Alan Pettigrew has announced he is to quit before his 29 year old record is broken.
His world record was set in 1984 when he threw a 1lb 8oz haggis 180ft and 10in on t...
- February 16, 2013 10:05 pm
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Glasgow Dictionary
For all you visitors to our fair land, if you're wishing to visit Glasow and understand what everyones saying - this might help (sorry some are a bit rude):
Word------------------ Meanin...
Susan Boyle Set to Launch Tartan Range
Carol McPherson likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Donny Osmond proudly wears the tartan of Susan Boyle
Scottish classical singer Susan Boyle has announced that she is releasing her own range of Tartan. In a statement released on her website, the Bl...
scottish register of tartans, susan boyle, Tartan

Terrorising Owl at Large in Inverness
by Nadine Lee
Feathered Foe Remains on the Loose
Here's a strange case of life imitating art from Inverness, with news just in that rivals Hitchcock's 1963 horror The Birds:
A giant Eagle Owl is to blame for at...
Scottish Parents upset at Weetos breakfast cereal
We've been having a good laugh in the office today at this news article:
You can slice us but you'll never take our flavour!!!
Saw this at the supermarket, made me laugh so much had to share it.
World's Largest Kilt
by Donald
The iconic Golden Driller statue in the Oklahoma city of Tulsa has been made a temporary Scotsman after he was dressed in what has been claimed as the world's largest kilt. The statue has been dress...
The best jokes at the 2011 Edinburgh Festival
by Donald
English comedian Nick Helm won the best joke award at this year's Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the worlds largest arts festival. His one liner from his show "Dare To Dream" - "I needed a password eigh...
Bride's och aye, the poo!
FUMING bride DECKED her kilt-wearing hubby when he sat on her knee at the reception and left a SKIDMARK on her wedding dress!
Like all true Scotsmen, Angus McClure, 26, didn't wear pants under his...
Stovies by Dustin Hoffman
This made me chuckle. For those of you that don't know Stovies are basically a load of old leftovers, usually from a Sunday Roast.
Tartan Paint Now Available on ScotClans
After much waiting - we've finally done it - we proudly announce our brand new product - TARTAN PAINT! Exclusive to
Now available in just the modern colours, (we haven't worked out...
High Visibility Kilts
Now here's a kilt that stands out - even at night!
A Sweedish company Luckily Blaklader has offered up another choice option for those working construction jobs at night.
So maybe don't look up...
The craziest kilt pic I've ever seen
Came across this picture, thought I'd share it. It's from Spain's annual bull-running festival in the northern town of Pamplona....
Edinburgh Fringe best joke announced
by Donald
Tim Vine has one the award for the funniest joke at Edinburgh's Festival Fringe.
His one liner, "I've just been on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday. I'll tell you what, never again." was deemed the bes...
Friday the 13th - Scotland's Unluckiest Couple?
by Donald
Today is the third, and final, Friday the 13th of 2009, and the date has long been associated with superstition and bad luck.
The number 13 is considered awkward and irregular because of the 'complet...
Bad luck, Friday 13th, Lanarkshire