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Scottish Clans

Stewart Stamp Series Issued by Royal Mail
A new series of stamps by the Royal Mail have been issued, depicting each of the Stewart monarchs who ruled Scotland between 1406 and 1603, the year of the Union of the Crowns. The series starts wi...
ScotClans Visit the South West.
On the 4th of March, two of the ScotClans team (Amanda and Donald) went on a resource finding trip down and around the south west of Scotland. We took in a number of castles and places of interest alo...
The Beaton Doctors of Mull
The Beatons of Mull, the famous 'Ollamnh Muileach', were a family of doctors, whose origins can be traced back to Béthune in France, and are said to have been very talented with a rather unique medi...
The Battle of Altimarlach - Scotland's last Clan Battle
The 13th of July, 1680 saw the last significant clan battle to be fought in Scotland, with the Sinclairs, under the command of George Sinclair of Keiss, taking on the Campbells led by Sir John Campb...
The Wardens of the Marches
The relationship between Scotland and England wasn't always as amicable as it is today. From the late 13th century to the 16th century, Scotland and England were constantly at war with each other. Thi...
Johnnie Armstrong and the Border Reivers
Johnnie Armstrong of Gilnockie was once one of the most popular, powerful, and feared clan chiefs in the Scottish borders. However, after his execution in 1530 by order of James V, Clan Armstrong ha...
Clan Murray Chief, John Murray, 11th Duke of Atholl, di...
John Murray, the Chief of the Murray clans and 11th Duke of Atholl has died in a South African hospital on Tuesday, 15th May after suffering a stroke. He was 83. The Johannesburg born Murray became ...
Clan Donald Society wanting to restore reputation of 'F...
The Clan Donald Society are looking to restore the reputation of one of the Victorian era's most celebrated soldiers, Major General Sir Hector 'Fighting Mac' MacDonald. In his hometown of Dingwall, ...
'The Scottish Clans' e-book now available from ScotClan...
Do you have a kindle? Because ScotClans can now proudly present an e-book version of their extensive clan histories. 'The Scottish Clans' features brief histories of over 300 Clans and Armigerous fam...
Lochearnhead Highland Games 2011
On Saturday the ScotClans team went up to the Highland Games at Lochearnhead to hold a stall for Clan MacLaren. The weather was glorious and it really highlighted the beauty of that part of the countr...
The Tragedy of Mary Hamilton
The well known ballad "Mary Hamilton", or "The Fower Maries" is a sixteenth century song about Mary Hamilton awaiting execution and telling the story of her downfall. Mary was a lady-in-waiting to a Q...
The Fyrish Monument
On a hill overlooking the Cromarty Firth is a striking, most un-highland monument. It is a replica of the gates of Negapatam, a port in Madras (now Chennai) in South East India. Negapatam was origin...
The Gordons at Otterburn
On the 5th of August, 1388, the Battle of Otterburn took place. This was a skirmish between Scotland's James, 2nd Earl of Douglas, and England's Henry "Hotspur" Percy, the son of the Earl of Northum...
Royal Middleton Roots
Gordon Casely, a heritage consultant in Aberdeen, has inadvertently discovered that Prince William was a direct descendant of a 17th century Middleton from the small town of Luthermuir in south Aberd...
Lady Agnew of Lochnaw
At the weekend, whilst trying to entertain my mum on a visit down to Edinburgh, I visited the National Galleries for the first time. There's a great collection of artwork there, a lot of lovely pieces...