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Scottish History

Amanda Moffet
The real treasure of Rosslyn Chapel
Rosslyn Chapel is famous for appearing in Hollywood blockbuster The Da Vinci Code, as the last resting place of the Holy Grail. The chapel has always been shrouded in legend, mainly concerning hidden...
Topics: Rosslyn Chapel
Nadine Lee
Braveheart Impersonator Charged With Firearms Offences
Adam Watters – Braveheart Impersonator. Photo courtesy of Deadline News A Braveheart impersonator has been charged with firearms offences after police received a complaint about “a man with a blue fac...
Nadine Lee
Learn to Speak Norn For Only £120
A dictionary of an extinct language spoken only in the remote Scottish Highlands has been uncovered in an English charity shop. The two-volume Norn Dictionary was anonymously donated to the Willow Bu...
Nadine Lee
Asterix Weighs in on Independence Debate
Inspired by the Scottish independence debate, the latest Asterix adventure sees the comic book hero travel to Iron Age Scotland where he meets the Picts. Author Jean Yves-Ferri explained that the sto...
Nadine Lee
Poem Marks Bannockburn Anniversary
Rotunda Monument at the Bannockburn Battleground A new poem has been unveiled to mark the upcoming 700th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn. The specially commissioned poem appears on a new t...
Nadine Lee
The Duchess and I
Scottish National Portrait Gallery Frieze As you enter the main hall of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 150 titans of Scottish history gaze down at you, providing a dramatic introduction to...
Nadine Lee
Billy Connolly's Highland Retreat For Sale
The Dining Room at Candacraig With a price tag of almost £3 million pounds, Scottish comedian Billy Connolly's Highland baronial home in Aberdeenshire has been listed on the market. The 12-bedroom ...
Nadine Lee
A Cannonball, a Sheepskin and a Loch Village
From a cannonball found lodged in the wall of a castle, to a Bronze Age body wrapped in a sheepskin - it's been a thrilling week in the field of archaeology. Here's the lowdown on the latest uncovered...
Nadine Lee
Home to Hume
Clan Hume Gathering at Hume Castle, 08/09/2013 Earlier in September Amanda and I traveled to the Scottish Borders to spend an afternoon at Hume Castle, where part of this years Clan Hume/Home gathe...
Nadine Lee
Photographs Reveal Croft Memories
3:44am, Isle of Harris (John Maher) A new photographic exhibition is set to open that shines a light on abandoned crofts throughout the Western Isles of Scotland. Entitled Leaving Home: An Alternat...