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Scottish History

Nadine Lee
An Expedition to Munro Country
Hector Munro outside Foulis Castle The Highlands in the spring time are a busy, bustling place. Tractors hold up traffic on the A9, lambs dot the earthy-coloured countryside and freshly sown fields ...
Nadine Lee
How the Clans Inspired Game of Thrones
If you still haven’t seen Episode 9 ‘The Rains of Castamere‘ in the latest season of Game of Thrones, you should probably stop reading this post right about now. It’s a well-known and begrudgingly a...
Nadine Lee
Mary, Queen of Scots Returns to Edinburgh
Chambers Street, Edinburgh In August 1561 Mary, Queen of Scots returned to Edinburgh from France as a Catholic queen in a newly reformed Protestant Scotland. Initially greeted with crowds curious t...
Nadine Lee
Clan Robertson Estate up for Sale
Dall House, surrounded by Dall Estate An excessively magnificent and utterly luxurious highland estate with clan links has been placed on the market, boasting an equally impressive price tag. Once ...
Rodger Moffet
Culloden Moor Housing Development and our Ancestral Her...
As dusk fell over Culloden Moor on the 16th April 1746 the last major land battle to be fought on British soil had drawn to a conclusion. With close to 2,000 dead and wounded Jacobites the campaign...