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Scottish Myths & Legends

Sutherland Beach One of the Best in the World
Sandwood Bay in Sutherland has been named as one of the best 50 beaches in the world by Travel magazine; and only one of five listed from the UK. The bay is around 5 miles south of Cape Wrath, the m...
ScotClans Visit the South West.
On the 4th of March, two of the ScotClans team (Amanda and Donald) went on a resource finding trip down and around the south west of Scotland. We took in a number of castles and places of interest alo...
The Phantom Regiment of Killiecrankie
The Battle of Killiecrankie, fought on the 16th of July, 1689, was part of the Jacobite Risings trying to get James VII/II back on the throne in Scotland, England, and Ireland. It was a bloody victo...
The White Lady of Corstorphine
The Lords Forrester were a principal family in the Corstorphine area of Edinburgh. Their main home was Corstorphine Castle, a 14th century stronghold which, by the 18th century, was nothing but ruins,...
The Dog Suicide Bridge
Near the village of Milton in West Dunbartonshire lies the Overtoun Bridge; an arch bridge which has become famous for the bizzarely large number of dogs who have leapt over the side to their death....
Mohamed Al-Fayed - President of Scotland?
Egyptian businessman and Harrods owner, Mohamed Al-Fayed has said that he wants to be president of an independent Scotland. Al-Fayed, who owns a 65,000 acre Highland estate, is hoping that Scotland...
Duncan Campbell and the Ghost of his Brother
Major Duncan Campbell of Inverawe was fatally wounded at the Battle of Carillon in 1758 during the Seven Years' War. The night before the battle Campbell had a ghostly encounter with his dead foster...
Merlin in Drumelzier
It is said, according Scottish myth, that Merlin, the wizard from Arthurian legend, is buried in the Borders town of Drumelzier. However, there are many different versions of what actually happened...
The Beaton Doctors of Mull
The Beatons of Mull, the famous 'Ollamnh Muileach', were a family of doctors, whose origins can be traced back to Béthune in France, and are said to have been very talented with a rather unique medi...
The Pharaoh's daughter and Scotland
The story of how Scotland got it's name is an interesting one. Tradition has it that the legend starts back in ancient Egypt, where a pharaoh's daughter, called Scota, and two Greek princes formed...
Topics: Myth, Picts, Scota