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Scottish Myths & Legends

Amanda Moffet
The Stange Ceremony of Clan MacLachlan
A MacLachlan legend tells of a MacLachlan Chief who would pay his feu duty (a sign of submission to an overlord in true feudal fashion) in a very strange way. The duty itself was a pair of gloves ...
Topics: MacLachlan
Nadine Lee
Griogal Cridhe - Beloved Gregor
On a Wednesday evening in Edinburgh, direct your ears upwards while wandering up Victoria Street from the Grassmarket and you might just hear a bit of Gaelic tune floating out onto the street below....
The Westford Knight
What is claimed as a carving on a glacial boulder in the town of Westford, in Massachusetts, USA, is argued to be proof that an expedition, led by Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, landed on the North...
The Phantom Regiment of Killiecrankie
The Battle of Killiecrankie, fought on the 16th of July, 1689, was part of the Jacobite Risings trying to get James VII/II back on the throne in Scotland, England, and Ireland. It was a bloody victo...
The White Lady of Corstorphine
The Lords Forrester were a principal family in the Corstorphine area of Edinburgh. Their main home was Corstorphine Castle, a 14th century stronghold which, by the 18th century, was nothing but ruins,...