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Scottish Myths & Legends

Amanda Moffet
MacQueen's battle with the last Wolf
One of the visitors to our site has told us about a MacQueen legend. She found it on a microfiche taken from a book published in the about Clan MacQueen, which is now sadly out of print. There...
Amanda Moffet
Legend behind the MacLachlan Coat of Arms
There is an old Scottish tale behind the MacLachlan Coat of Arms. Legend has it that the reason behind the two roebucks (deers) supporting the MacLachlan Chief's Coat of Arms came in 1249, when K...
Topics: MacLachlan
Amanda Moffet
The Green Lady of Crathes Castle
Crathes Castle historic seat of Clan Burnett. Like most Scottish castles Crathes has it's ghostly tales. The one it's most known for is the withered spectre of the Green Lady stalks the corridors,...
Merlin in Drumelzier
It is said, according Scottish myth, that Merlin, the wizard from Arthurian legend, is buried in the Borders town of Drumelzier. However, there are many different versions of what actually happened...
The Beaton Doctors of Mull
The Beatons of Mull, the famous 'Ollamnh Muileach', were a family of doctors, whose origins can be traced back to Béthune in France, and are said to have been very talented with a rather unique medi...