Scottish Entertainment
Tartan Day Celebrated Around the World
dave Miller, Lindsay Urquhart, Owen Wright and 1 other person likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Celebrated annually around the world, April 6 is recognised as an international celebration of Scottish heritage and ancestry. Known as Tartan Day, the celebration marks the anniversary of the 1320 si...
April 6, Columbia, Decleration of Arbroath, Minneapolis, New York City, New York Tartan Day Parade, Robert the Bruce, Tartan Day, Washington
- April 8, 2014 12:29 pm
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Romancing the Stone: Curling's Scottish Heritage
by Nadine Lee
On Thin Ice - Team GB at Sochi Olympic Games 2014
Who could have thought that a sport whose humble beginnings can be traced back five centuries to a frozen Scottish lake, would become one of the bi...
First Look: Outlander Trailer
by Nadine Lee
The first trailer for the highly anticipated clan television drama Outlander was released to rapturous response over the weekend. The trailer largely focuses on the heroine of the story, Claire Randal...
‘Awe Things Outlander
by Nadine Lee
With Outlander fever erupting all over social media, here's a quick roundup of what's been happening over the last few weeks in the world of one of the most highly anticipated television series of 201...
Move Over Breaking Bad, Here Comes Bannan
Donald likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Scotland's Gaelic TV channel BBC Alba is hoping Bannan will appeal to a wider audience.
Here's some great news for my fellow small-screen junkies - a new Scottish series will soon be hitting our sc...
2011 Scottish Census, Bannan, BBC, Breaking Bad, Chris Young, Gaelic, River City, Scots, Tony Kearney, TV Drama