Scottish Heraldry 101: The Court of Lord Lyon
Amanda Moffet, Hal Hardin, Donald and 1 other person likes this.
by Nadine Lee
HM New Register House, Edinburgh
Just off Edinburgh's bustling Princes Street sits a grand old building that houses hundreds of years worth of Scotland's records. HM New Register House is well know...
Clan Gunn, Clan MacArthur, Coat of Arms, Court of Lord Lyon, Elizabeth Roads LVO, Heraldry, Iain Gunn of Banniskirk, Lord Lyon, Lyon Clerk, order of the thistle, Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs
- August 1, 2013 10:55 am
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Billy Connolly's Highland Retreat For Sale
Amanda Anderson Lowe likes this.
by Nadine Lee
The Dining Room at Candacraig
With a price tag of almost £3 million pounds, Scottish comedian Billy Connolly's Highland baronial home in Aberdeenshire has been listed on the market. The 12-bedroom ...
Aberdeenshire, Billy Connolly, Candacraig, Clan Anderson, Corgarff, Glenbuchat, Kildrummy, Macnab, Real Estate

Lord Sempill to Attend Stone Mountain Games
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by Nadine Lee
Lord Sempill will be attending the 2013 Stone Mountain Games
Every year during the third week of October, you'd be forgiven for thinking a little piece of Atlanta was in fact a little piece of Scot...
merican Scottish Foundation, Ancestral Tourism, Atlanta, Clan Elliot, Clan Rose, COSCA, David Rose, Gathering 2009, Georgia, Grandfather Mountain Highland Games, Lord Sempill, Macdonald & Rees, Margaret Elliot, Scottish Heritage USA, Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs, Stone Mountain Highland Games, United States

A Commitment to Kisimul – Statement from Macneil of Bar...
by Nadine Lee
Below you'll find a statement from The Macniel - current chief of Clan Macniel of Barra - regarding today's announcement of the major conservation , archaelogical and interpretation work at the seat o...
Vikings Force Closure of Shetland Fire Station
by Nadine Lee
A Shetland fire station has been forced to close its doors as the result of a viking fire festival. Two fire fighters from the station on the Island of Bressay have refused to shave their beards ahe...
Vikings, Shetland, Up Helly Aa
Hands Across Hadrian's Wall
by Nadine Lee
Hadrian's Wall
A Tory MP has called for 100,000 Britons to hold hands across Hadrian's Wall this summer, in order to prevent Scotland voting for independence. Once used as a defensive fortification...
Emperor Hadrian, Hadrian's Wall, Hands Across the Border, MP Angus MacNeil, MP Rory Stewart, Roman Empire, Scottish independence
Tartan Day Celebrated Around the World
by Nadine Lee
Celebrated annually around the world, April 6 is recognised as an international celebration of Scottish heritage and ancestry. Known as Tartan Day, the celebration marks the anniversary of the 1320 si...
The legacy of Margaret MacNab - over 100 years of fami...
Donald likes this.
James and Jane McNab lived in the coastal town of Girvan on the west coast of Scotland. It was a fishing port and agricultural region. The Isle of Arran could be seen across the sea and the Ailsa Crai...

Duke of Cumberland's Stone: The rock with a hard place ...
After Culloden, the Duke of Cumberland's Stone, a relic of the last Ice Age, became forever linked to the battle's bogeyman. But is it deserving of the association and the abuse it has taken over ma...
Cumberland, Forbes
The Battle of Clachnaharry
Margaret Moffet likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Perched atop a hill overlooking the Beauly Firth in Inverness, the Clachnaharry Monument commemorates a particularly fierce battle between Clan Munro and Clan Chattan that occurred in 1454. After a...
Beauly Firth, Chattan, Clachnaharry, Fraser, Inverness, John Munro Tutor of Foulis, Lord Lovatt, Munro

‘Outlander’ Set For The Small Screen
by Nadine Lee
With over 20 million copies sold, Diana Gabaldon’s hugely successful series of novels set in the Highlands has been greenlit for televison. Outlander centres around a love story between an 18th Cent...
1745 rebellion, Castle Leod, Claire Randall, Diana Gabaldon, Dr Who, Earl of Cromartie, Historical Fiction, Jacobite, Jacobite Rising, Jamie Fraser, John Mackenzie, Outlander, Starz, Television, Fraser, Mackenzie
Your Guide to Grandfather Mountain 2013
by Nadine Lee
Grandfather Mountain and McRae Meadows - Home to the GFM Highland Games
With only one week to go until the beginning of the largest Highland Games held outside of Scotland, this years gathering at ...
Silver Pocketwatch of Sir Alexander Jardine?
Nadine Lee likes this.
At ScotClans we often get quite unusual emails. The other week I got one from someone who was asking if we could help her find out about a solid silver hunter pocket watch which thanks to it's inscri...

New fashion of getting a Sgian Dubh tattooed
Nadine Lee likes this.
We recently had a comment on a post about Sgian Dubhs being banned at events telling us of a new craze going across America at the moment – getting Sgian Dubhs tattooed!
This is particularly popular ...
sgain dubh

‘Awe Things Outlander
by Nadine Lee
With Outlander fever erupting all over social media, here's a quick roundup of what's been happening over the last few weeks in the world of one of the most highly anticipated television series of 201...