Not another famous ancestor!
Owen Wright likes this.
For some unknown reason, in the genealogical world, it seems that some famous person is always doing the rounds. When I see someone claiming some famous ancestor, my first thought and question normall...
- March 20, 2014 11:55 am
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A Beginner's Guide To The Jacobites
Let me start off this post with a caveat. If you are a serious scholar or indeed if you have ever read a book or even paid attention during a documentary about the Jacobite rebellionsthen best to move...
An Expedition to Munro Country
by Nadine Lee
Hector Munro outside Foulis Castle
The Highlands in the spring time are a busy, bustling place. Tractors hold up traffic on the A9, lambs dot the earthy-coloured countryside and freshly sown fields ...
1745 rebellion, Captain Patrick Munro, Culloden, Dr Donald Munro, Easter Ross, Foulis Castle, Hanoverians, Hector Munro, Highlands, historic scotland, Munro, Seaforth Highlanders, Sir John Cope, Sir Robert Munro
The Blue Men from The Sound of Shiants
I have just returned from a trip to Lewis and came across this wonderful story. It is from the Shiant islands (meaning the holy or enchanted islands). The Shiant Islands lie four miles or so off th...
Òrain Gàidhlig – Scottish Gaelic Song
by Nadine Lee
One of the experiences that stood out the most on my Highland adventure a few months back was the amount of Scottish Gaelic I encountered. From road and railway station signs, to the greeting display...