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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.
Nadine Lee
A Cannonball, a Sheepskin and a Loch Village
From a cannonball found lodged in the wall of a castle, to a Bronze Age body wrapped in a sheepskin - it's been a thrilling week in the field of archaeology. Here's the lowdown on the latest uncovered...
Nadine Lee
Billy Connolly's Highland Retreat For Sale
The Dining Room at Candacraig With a price tag of almost £3 million pounds, Scottish comedian Billy Connolly's Highland baronial home in Aberdeenshire has been listed on the market. The 12-bedroom ...
Amanda Moffet
New fashion of getting a Sgian Dubh tattooed
We recently had a comment on a post about Sgian Dubhs being banned at events telling us of a new craze going across America at the moment – getting Sgian Dubhs tattooed! This is particularly popular ...
Topics: sgain dubh
Nadine Lee
Flodden Battlefield Grave Search Begins
A memorial to the fallen at Flodden Archaeologists and volunteers are set to begin the search for body pits from Scotland's worst ever battlefield defeat. Beginning work in early September, archaeo...
Nadine Lee
Edinburgh Named Redheaded Capital of the UK
Researchers from Britain's DNA have produced the first ever map of redheaded nations and cities, with Edinburgh coming out on top in full ginger bloom. The study found that 40% of the Scottish capita...
Topics: Red Hair, Edinburgh