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Tartan Footprint helps you connect and share with Scottish people in your life.
Nadine Lee
Map Reveals Scots Modern-Day Surnames
A map of Great Britain’s most popular surnames shows the dominance that clan areas still hold in Scotland, while other areas show the effects of modern-day immigration. Created by experts from three...
Nadine Lee
Bus Driver Says 'Kilt Wearing Scots are Lucky'
A bus driver in the northern Swedish town of Umea has begun wearing a skirt to work as temperatures sore past 25C. Mats Lundgren decided to find a trouser alternative when his boss turned down h...
Topics: Kilt, skirt, Sweden
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Nadine Lee
Learn to Speak Norn For Only £120
A dictionary of an extinct language spoken only in the remote Scottish Highlands has been uncovered in an English charity shop. The two-volume Norn Dictionary was anonymously donated to the Willow Bu...
Nadine Lee
English Historian Claims Haggis
An English food historian has declared Haggis as an English delicacy, claiming the Scottish origins of the dish are as “made up” as tartan. Peter Brears has described Haggis as a ‘fine English dish’ ...
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Nadine Lee
Sam Heughan is Outlander's Jamie Fraser
It's official - Scottish actor Sam Heughan has been cast in the upcoming television adaptation of Outlander. In a statement released yesterday, American cable network Starz confirmed the casting aft...