The Phantom Regiment of Killiecrankie
Lisa Bumgarner likes this.
by Donald
The Battle of Killiecrankie, fought on the 16th of July, 1689, was part of the Jacobite Risings trying to get James VII/II back on the throne in Scotland, England, and Ireland. It was a bloody victo...
- October 30, 2009 3:43 pm
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Founder of Clan Keith Society Dies
Alice Hattenbrun likes this.
Sadly the Founder of The Clan Keith Society USA, INC., George L. Newberry, passed away this morning.
George founded the USA Clan Keith Society with John Newberry at Grandfather Mountain. Without Geo...

Ewan The Headless - A MacLaines of Lochbuie Story
Darrell Paden Hancock likes this.
I came across a great story to read in full follow this link.
Legend / oral history has it that the clan Maclain of Lochbuie chief had a son called Ewan 'with the small head'. concerned that they ...
Clan MacLaine, Clan MacLean, Mull

The Electric Brae
Lisa Bumgarner likes this.
As part of our mini-tour on Sunday we managed to take in one of Scotlands spookiest roads, the Electric Brae near Ayr. We stopped the car to check if we were in the right place and immediately start...
Electric Brae

The Witches of Logie
Lisa Bumgarner likes this.
This weekend we have been staying at the lovely Witches Craig campsite, just a stones throw (well maybe a few throws) away from The Wallace Monument at Abbey Craig. Next to the campsite are the remain...
Graham, Scottish Myths, wallace

The Legend of Twinlaw Cairns
Erika Hamilton AlBadawi likes this.
by Nadine Lee
The Twinlaw Cairns, Lammermuir Hills, East Lothian
This weekend I visited my friends in the countryside, as I had heard there was going to be snow. Being from a semi-tropical climate, snow is still...
Ancient Scots, East Lothian, Lammermuir Hills, Legends, Saxons, Twinlaw Cairns

Scotland's Greatest Gift - Penicillin
Erika Hamilton AlBadawi likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Sir Alexander Fleming, FRSE, FRS, FRCS(Eng)6 August 1881 – 11 March 1955
On a sunny morning in September 1928, Scottish biologist Sir Alexander Fleming accidentally made one of the most important me...
Ayrshire, Davel, Health, Penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming, World War I, World War II

MSP Calls for Macbeth Review
Tartan Footprint likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Imagined 19th Century Portrait of Macbeth
Prompted by historical revisions to Richard III's reign upon discovery of his remains, Scottish MSP Alex Johnstone has called for a motion in parliament to ...
Alex Johnstone, MacBeth, Richard III, Shakespeare

Susan Boyle Set to Launch Tartan Range
Carol McPherson likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Donny Osmond proudly wears the tartan of Susan Boyle
Scottish classical singer Susan Boyle has announced that she is releasing her own range of Tartan. In a statement released on her website, the Bl...
scottish register of tartans, susan boyle, Tartan

Hanging up the Haggis
Martha Hayes likes this.
THE world’s top haggis hurler Alan Pettigrew has announced he is to quit before his 29 year old record is broken.
His world record was set in 1984 when he threw a 1lb 8oz haggis 180ft and 10in on t...

The Green Lady of Crathes Castle
Lisa Bumgarner likes this.
Crathes Castle historic seat of Clan Burnett. Like most Scottish castles Crathes has it's ghostly tales. The one it's most known for is the withered spectre of the Green Lady stalks the corridors,...
Burnett, Crathes Castle

Preservation Award for Medieval Western Isles Church
Owen Wright likes this.
The Teampull na Trionaid a ruined church on Uist in the Western Isles has been given a grant of £200,000 in order to make it safe for visitors. The building was founded in 1200 as a college for Prie...

Morag of Loch Morar Sightings Discovered
Amanda Moffet likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Loch Morar, Lochaber.
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh have discovered accounts dating back more than one hundred years of Morag of Loch Morar. The descriptions paint a conflicting view of ...
Morag, Loch Morar, Loch Ness Monster

The real treasure of Rosslyn Chapel
Pauline Campbell likes this.
Rosslyn Chapel is famous for appearing in Hollywood blockbuster The Da Vinci Code, as the last resting place of the Holy Grail. The chapel has always been shrouded in legend, mainly concerning hidden...
Rosslyn Chapel

Braveheart Impersonator Charged With Firearms Offences
Margaret Moffet likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Adam Watters – Braveheart Impersonator. Photo courtesy of Deadline News
A Braveheart impersonator has been charged with firearms offences after police received a complaint about “a man with a blue fac...
braveheart, edinburgh, Jacobite, Police, William Wallace