Topic: MacGregor
Scots Pine Announced as Scotland's National Tree
by Nadine Lee
The Scots Pine
Despite our campaign to have the Rowan crowned as Scotland's national tree, we're rather blue to report that the Scots Pine has officially taken out the title. Last year thousands of...
MacGregor, MSP Sir Jamie McGrigor, National Tree, Paul Weelhouse, Rowan Tree, Scots Pine, scottish parliament
- February 4, 2014 3:25 pm
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Sold! Clan Feud Auction Update
Amanda Moffet likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Just a quick update on a story we reported on earlier in the week - the MacGregor/Campbell feud document has sold at auction to an unnamed MacGregor bidder.
The persecution of the Clan Gregor manuscr...

How the Clans Inspired Game of Thrones
by Nadine Lee
If you still haven’t seen Episode 9 ‘The Rains of Castamere‘ in the latest season of Game of Thrones, you should probably stop reading this post right about now.
It’s a well-known and begrudgingly a...
Alexander Livingston, Campbell, Clan Crest, Clan Motto, Crichton, Douglas, Edinburgh Castle, Game of Thrones, George R. R. Martin, Glencoe Massacre, House Lannister, House Stark, King James II, MacDonald, MacGregor, royal mile, Seat, The Black Dinner, The Red Wedding
Chief of Clan Macnab Dies
by Nadine Lee
Clan Macnab - Timor Omnis Abesto (Let fear be far from all)
We are very saddened to hear news that James Charles Macnab, 23rd Chief of Clan Macnab, died on January 11 aged 86. Macnab served as a mem...
Death, Killin, MacGregor, Macnab, Scottish Clans
Lochearnhead Highland Games 2011
by Donald
On Saturday the ScotClans team went up to the Highland Games at Lochearnhead to hold a stall for Clan MacLaren. The weather was glorious and it really highlighted the beauty of that part of the countr...
Highland Games, Lochearnhead, MacGregor, MacLaren