Topic: Malcolm Macgregor
Top 5: Whisky of the Clans
by Nadine Lee
Intrinsically linked like bread and butter, whisky and the Clans are about as all things Scot as you're going to get. Here are our top five links between the water of life and Scotland's oldest famili...
1745 Jacobite Rising, Blended Whisky, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Clan Campbell, clan chief, Clan Macgregor, Clan MacGregor Whisky, Clan Mackenzie, Clan MacLeod, Clan MacNeil of Barra, Culloden, Dalmore, Drambuie, Duke of Argyll, Glayva, Isle of Skye, King Alexander III, MacKinnon, Malcolm MacGregor, Scottish Liqueur, Single Malt, Talisker, Torquhil Ian, Whisky
- December 2, 2013 1:26 pm
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Government Announces Clan Event Fund
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by Nadine Lee
The Clans and Families of Scotland
The Scottish Government announced on Wednesday that it is to provide funding for clan events to the tune of £200,000 in 2014 and beyond. The move cements the rela...
2014 Year of Homecoming, Clan Gatherings, Earl of Cromartie, Fergus Ewing, Highland Clan Partnership, John Mackenzie, Malcolm Macgregor, Scottish Clan Event Fund, Scottish Government, Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs