Topic: Robert Burns
Burns Night Prep - All Things Haggis
Donald likes this.
by Nadine Lee
This coming Saturday is perhaps the biggest day of the year for Scottish cooking - Burns Night is the day in which the Scots skill for bashing turnips and squeezing minced sheep offal into an animal'...
Robert Burns, Burns Night, Haggis
- January 22, 2014 2:58 pm
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The Duchess and I
Amanda Moffet likes this.
by Nadine Lee
Scottish National Portrait Gallery Frieze
As you enter the main hall of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 150 titans of Scottish history gaze down at you, providing a dramatic introduction to...
Alexander Gordon 4th Duke of Gordon, Castle Gordon, edinburgh, General Cornwallis, Gordon Highlanders, Island of the Swans, Jane Gordon Duchess of Gordon, Lady Jane Maxwell, Lord Brome, Robert Burns, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Sir WIlliam Maxwell

Robert Burns - Greatest Scot of all time...?
by Donald
As part of the Homecoming Scotland celebrations, a poll was held by STV to see who the public believes the greatest ever Scot is. Thousands of people were said to have voted from the list of 35 nomi...
A New Take on Robert Burns
Robert Burns in literature was a lonely, unhealthy, complicated, romantic and earthy genius but in art he has always been shown as biscuit tin boring. The standard Burns image is flat and lifeless,...
Robert Burns
Bob Dylan Names Robert Burns as His Biggest Inspiration
Bob Dylan's music has inspired generations of music lovers. He has now named his own personal inspiration as our favorite Scots poet Robert Burns.
When asked which lyric or verse had the largest i...
Robert Burns